L’Appuntamento (The Date)
L’Appuntamento (The Date)
- Year 2013
- Categories Short Film
- Genre Dramedy
- Tags camilla bianchini, gianpiero alicchio, globo d'oro, l'appuntamento, manuel ricco, stella saccà, the date
- Label VM14
- Directed by:
- Cast Camilla Bianchini, Manuel Ricco, Stella Saccà, Gianpiero Alicchio
- Producer: Ilda Sorrentino
- Writer: Gianpiero Alicchio Stella Saccà
- Cinematography by: Giuseppe Pignone
- Film Editing by Jankin Sorrentino
- Sound Department: Arianna de Luca (boom operator) Michele Antonio Parisi (sound recordist)
- Visual Effects by: Jankin Sorrentino
- Camera and Electrical Department: Lorenzo Catenacci (camera operator) Alfredo Lembo (gaffer)
- Music: Alex Britti (theme music) Stag (theme music)
- Script and Continuity Department Giulia Patanè (script supervisor)
- Distribution Company: HackersMovie Production
Shot in October 2020 in London and the Cotswolds.
Synopsis in English:
Two thirty-year-old friends invite a pair of girls out for dinner, allowing them to choose the restaurant and, of course, offering to pay. They end up dining at an upscale vegetarian restaurant, but the two guys play the “gentlemen” role in hopes of winning the girls over. Indeed, impressed by their kindness, the girls decide to accept a second date with them. However, at the end of the evening, something goes awry. Unexpected surprises and miscommunications between the sexes are never far away.
Sinossi in italiano:
Due amici trentenni invitano due ragazze a cena, lasciando a loro la scelta del ristorante e offrendosi naturalmente di pagare. Si ritrovano a cenare in un costoso ristorante vegetariano, ma i due ragazzi interpretano il ruolo di “gentiluomini” nella speranza di conquistare le ragazze. Infatti, stupite dalla loro gentilezza, decidono di accettare un secondo appuntamento con loro. Tuttavia, alla fine della serata, qualcosa va storto. Sorprese impreviste e incomprensioni tra i sessi sono sempre dietro l’angolo.
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Cast & Crew